Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Keynsham Self-Inking Datestamps

Keynsham has two different self-inking datestamps (SID), a plain "KEYNSHAM" and a "KEYNSHAM BRISTOL", with different codes (each SID code is a physically different handstamp).

There are three codes known for the "KEYNSHAM" SID, codes C, K and Z.

The "KEYNSHAM BRISTOL" SID exists with codes A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, M and X.

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Keynsham Slogan Cancels

The only slogan cancels seen used at Keynsham to date are either Postcode ones or Christmas ones.  Here are examples of the ones known to date.

This last example from 1983 also has a green framed "NOT KEYNSHAM" cachet on the front.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Keynsham Machine Cancels

A Krag machine cancel is known in use at Keynsham from November 1956 to November 1958.

A  Universal machine cancel is known in use earlier than the Krag at Christmas, but the main period of use was after the Krag.

Other Universal dies were in use including a 2nd PAID ...

... and with a different town die (here from 1970).

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Keynsham Single Ring Handstamps

Keynsham also had single ring "KEYNSHAM / BRISTOL" handstamps, probably used as counter stamps. Here are some examples of a 24mm single ring handstamp known used from 1949 to 1985.

... and an example of a 23mm single ring handstamp from 1969.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Keynsham - Double Circle Double-Arc cancels

In December 1913 Keynsham was issued with another "Dulwich" cancel, this time "KEYNSHAM / BRISTOL". This handstamp has medium-thick arcs and is currently known used from 1913-1929.

A different "Dulwich" cancel with thicker arcs is known used from 1936-1962.

A final type of double circle double-arc cancel with line arcs is known as a "Birmingham" type after the first place to be issued with this type.  The Keynsham cancel is currently known in use from 1963 to 1975 - both these examples are on misrouted mail.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Keynsham - Skeletons from 1908 and 1913

Skeleton cancels were used when the normal handstamp was being repaired or altered, or had been mislaid.  Keynsham has had two known periods of use of skeleton cancels.

The first is known used between 8th July and 7th August 1908, as shown in the next couple of sheets.

The second, larger, skeleton is known used between 21st September and 20th October 1913.

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Keynsham - Double Circle Double-Arc cancels (Dulwich)

Keynsham had a "KEYNSHAM / +" double circle double-arc cancel known in use from 1896-1910.  This type of cancel is known as a "Dulwich" cancel after the first place to be issued with the type.

Here are some examples from1896 and 1905, and a third example with no year in the datestamp.

Sunday, 6 August 2017

Keynsham - Single Ring Handstamps

Keynsham used a number of different single ring handstamps.  This sheet has a couple of examples from 1865 and 1869 of a 20mm single ring handstamp.

Next are a couple of examples from 1879 and 1881 of a 23mm single ring handstamp.

... and from 1886 and 1903 here are some examples of a 19mm single ring handstamp.

This last example of a 19mm single ring handstamp is on the back of a Post Office Jubilee cover from 1890.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Keynsham - Double-Arc Handstamps

"Keynsham, spelt K-E-Y-N-S-H-A-M, Keynsham, Bristol"

Horace Cyril Batchelor (22 January 1898 â€“ 8 January 1977) was an English gambling advertiser. He  was best known during the 1950s and 1960s as an advertiser on Radio Luxembourg. He advertised frequently as a way to win money by predicting the results of football matches, sponsoring programmes on the station. His spelling out of Keynsham, the town where he operated, made it famous.

The earlier marks of Keynsham have already been covered here.  This next series of posts are going to cover the later marks of Keynsham.  Keynsham came under Bristol apart from a period between 1851 and 1862 when it came under Bath.

Here are some examples from 1851 of a 25mm double-arc dated handstamp, the top one, dated March 1851, going through Bristol and the bottom one, dated October 1851, going through Bath.

This 22mm double-arc dated handstamp from November 1862 went through Bristol.