Sunday, 30 July 2017

Yeovil Penny post from East Coker

The wraper below has a filing note indicating that it originated in East Coker.  East Coker was in the Yeovil Penny Post from March 1828, but no receiving house handstamp has been seen from there (it should have had the boxed "No.5" receiving house handstamp).

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Bristol Manuscript Marks

A little more Bristol here, with a selection of manuscript marks written on covers as the Offices under Bristol have tried to deliver them.  This first example from 1861 has a manuscript "Westbury" added to clarify the address, while the second cover from 1905 has a perhaps sarcastic "Try Henbury", that being what the address on the envelope reads.

This envelope, from London and addressed to "Montpellier" in May 1870 has been to Cheltenham and Bristol before being routed to France.

It is not clear if this cover posted from York in May 1889 and addressed to Major Maclean ever found him.  En route it went to Clifton.

In November 1894 the addressee of this cover was "Not Known".

The addressee, K. Savill was also "Not Known" at Redland, Bristol on this cover from India.

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Bristol Miscellany (with a bit of Taunton)

Straying a little from Somerset here are some items associated with Bristol, starting with a Mercantile Marine Office Certificate of Discharge from May 1893.

Next a postcard with glitter that should have been sent at the Letter Rate, with a violet "1D / 134" postage due handstamp from January 1906.

 And finally a windowed envelope posted overseas from Taunton in January 1970 with a black framed "APERTURE ENVELOPES ARE / PROHIBITED IN THE OVER / SEAS POST AIR OR SURFACE" cachet.  The cover was then passed to Returned Letter Section in Bristol for return to the sender with the enclosed letter.

Wednesday, 19 July 2017


Firstly, a G.W.R. Memorandum from the Stationmaster's Office, Taunton to the Inspectors notifying them of "Alterations in Post Office Addresses".

Secondly, a refused letter in January 1954 that had been posted without a stamp so was liable for 5d postage due but which was refused so was opened and returned to the sender with 5d postage liable for return to sender.

Thirdly, a Royal Mail Postcode Free Draw card to Win a Mini from Taunton, March 1980.  The card explains "what a postcode is and why it matters".

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Entire from London to "Okehamton near Taunton" franked Tho. Butler, November 1715

The entire below, from London to "Okehampton near Taunton" is franked "Tho. Butler" or possibly "Buller".  I am unable to identify who Thomas Butler or Buller was that had free franking priviledge.

Below are images of the contents.

... the other interesting thing is the return addres below .. Downing Street !

Wednesday, 12 July 2017


Here are a selection of items associated with Wells, starting with a nice crisp "MISSENT / TO WELLS.S" handstamp from June 1830 (very soon after the handstamp was issued).

The Wells Penny Post item below from August 1835 has a "Wells(S) / PY. Post" handstamp in red, previously only known in archives in 1836.

The "WELLS ST" traveller handstamp below is from the first known day of usage, 27th July 1844, being known used until 8th August 1844.

The next items are ephemera associated with Wells, starting with items for Stuckey's Banking Co. from the 1890s.

The next two ephemera items are receipts from Melhuish & Saunders Ltd., builders and contractors, from 1947 and 1955.

Sunday, 9 July 2017


A couple of items associated with Yeovil, starting with a philatelic registered envelope from the Yeovil Agricultural Show in September 1952, with "MOBILE POST OFFICE / A" 24mm single ring cancels.

Secondly, here is a mis-addressed item to "Crispin School, Yeovil" rather than to Street, with a violet framed "UNKNOWN / AT YEOVIL / SOMERSET" handstamp.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017


Some items from Frome starting with two examples of the "FROME / 115" mileage mark, from 1816 (with a red London Inspector's mark) and from 1819.

Next, from January 1842, is a 1d pink postal stationery envelope with a Frome maltese cross cancel and a boxed "No.2" receiving house handstamp.  It is thought that the boxed "No.2" handstamp was in use at Beckington.

From 1923 and 1946 are two different red "PAID" handstamps, for Â½d from 1923 and for 1d from 1946.

And finally an over-large postcard from September 1927 that was charged postage due as it was liable to the Letter Rate.

Sunday, 2 July 2017


A wide ranging trio of items from Bath, starting with a "BATH" straight line handstamp from July 1775,  This handstamp, measuring 30x7 mm, is known used from 1772-1775.  A similarly sized handstamp, also 30x7 mm but with no serifs, is known from 1781-1782.

This envelope has a red Bath Clinic meter mark dated 20th June 1995 but has been caught by the Meter Quality Control team and handstamped as dated 21st June 1995 "NOT AS POSTMARKED".

And finally some undated Bath Scouts Christams Mail stamps, cancelled with framed "BATH SCOUTS" No.2, No.8 and No.1 troops.