Sunday 26 May 2024

Bristol Foreign Mail, Part 3

 Carrying on, the next letter is from Bristol to New York in January 1863.  The postal rate to the USA was 1/- or 24c per half ounce, so this letter was charged 4/- at the 2 oz rate.  Of the 24c rate, 3c went to UK inland postage, 16c went to whoever was providing the packet service and 5c went for US inland postage.  The red "84/CENTS" handstamp indicates how much of the 4/- postage went to the USA, in this case the packet service was American.

Bristol to Bordeaux in August 1865 was 4d, the red oval "PD" cachet indicates that it was "Paid to the Destination".

Another example of mail to the USA, this time in May 1865.  The letter went on an American Packet so the USA were credited with 21c (16c for the packet transport plus 5c for US inland postage).

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